Empowered Action

Week 4

This week:

  1. Once you have done 3 days in a row, tell your accountability partner.

  2. Choose, right now, what you will do to celebrate when you have done 3 days in a row. Let your accountability partner know this too and drop it into the comments below.

  3. When you are starting to feel resistance, again, contact your accountability partner.

  4. Go to the next lecture, "Meditation: Leaning into Resistance", now and also when you are feeling resistance, so that you always feel supported.

  5. Watch the BONUS videos after this meditation.

  6. After 90 days, contact me directly at hello@morgandoman.com with your thoughts and wins, so that we can see what is next for you.

Below are your action steps for week two.


Habit Stacking

I am so proud of you for making it this far. Your entire life will "up level", and most importantly so will your identity. As you show up for yourself every day, by doing your habit, your identity will shift into the new you, and that is when the magic begins.