A Goal Achievers Guide for Success

Imagine knowing the exact steps to take each day to make sure you achieve every goal you set out for yourself!

Are you ready to go from a goal setter to a goal achiever?!

Hello Goal Achievers!

Welcome to A Goal Achievers Guide to Success! I created this course because there are so many myths out there about how to create goals, and resolutions, and how to execute them. In this 4-week course, I will share with you my tried-and-tested method of how I have created three businesses, and a life-style which I love entirely.

Here are some important pointers for you as you go through this course:

  1. Each module of this course has been designed to be taken in succession; please do not skip ahead until you have fully completed all tasks, as each module builds on the previous.

  2. You own this course for life, so do come back to reengage when you feel off track.

  3. The first time you work through this course, pick just one goal to work on. In the final module, I will explain something called "Habit Stacking", or how to move through multiple goals at once, but the first time you engage with this, it's best to master these tools initially before incorporating multiple goals.

  4. Pick a goal that really excites you. For example if you want to focus on your business itself, then choose that. Don't feel that you have to pick common, or safe goals, such as exercise, or eating habits (though you are welcome to pick those if they excite you).

  5. Despite the recommendations in this course if a particular technique doesn't quite work for you, then feel free to just not do it. Always do what feels right to you, and your intuition.

  6. Community is key! Please comment on each module (if you feel comfortable), so we can all share our experiences.

  7. Please introduce yourself in the comments section below so we can get to know you.

It is quiet an honor that I get to walk this journey with all of you. I am so looking forward to hearing about all the wins and goals achieved!

