Devastation of Isolation

Humans are tribal creatures. Humans need contact with others.  I see in my work with women how easily they feel isolated. They feel like they can’t confide in anyone, they feel like no one will understand them so they choose to stay quiet. 

Quietly suffering alone. 

I do this. Whenever I feel sad or grief, I turn away from others and allow myself to process these feelings alone. I used to think I was the only one but I have found that many women do this. Many people turn inwards and isolate themselves when what we need the most is a hug and to know it's going to be okay. 

I broke this pattern recently like I explained in my latest blog. But I want you to break it too. I want you to know that you don't have to do anything alone.

Women need community. We weren’t meant to create businesses alone. We weren’t meant to create families alone. We aren’t meant to really do anything alone. I used to call myself an introvert but that was just my way of pushing others away. 

We women are meant to birth in a community whether that is a baby, business or a great work of art. It doesn’t matter. 

As Hannah Grace so eloquently put it, “The Sister Wound is the subtle whisper that speaks ‘I don’t belong here’”.  That is why so many women continue to think of themselves as imposters, you are not. You belong here. You are accepted here within the community of your sisters. 

It's time we all begin to step up and create a world abundant with sisterhood so no little girl ever thinks that she doesn’t belong here. How can we do that? Begin a sisterhood near you. It's as simple as that! 

Let’s heal those wounds. We are far more powerful together than apart!

We were meant to do this together!

If you are looking to be held by your sisters, then sign up for a call here and we can get to know each other and see what we can do for you to feel totally supported. 


A tip for wannabe entrepreneurs…


Two Life Lessons I Learned at Matriarch Rising