What’s your addiction of choice?

Maybe you have guessed it by now but I am not a fan of any drug that stops an emotion from coming to the service.

My drug of choice was caffeine. It was great! Every day, instead of feeling all my thoughts and taking time to be with myself. I just learned to power through.  I took a drug every day to give me the fire to move fast [maybe too fast for me] and so I kept burning out. Hating it all, never taking anything in.

As I came off caffeine, I realized that over time I had stopped a lot of emotions from coming to the service. It was clogging a hole in a pipe of my emotions and so that emotion was blocked. It couldn't come out. And so it began to build up and build up and build up. 

Caffeine [or any tipe of drug] masks the symptoms of the real problem. The real problem for me is that I felt like I had to be on everyone else’s timeline. I had to keep up with everyone when the truth is I live on a much slower rhythm then most. 

There is nothing wrong with being slower. There is nothing wrong with crippling anxiety, there is nothing wrong with depression that keeps you in bed. It's just that we live in a society that demands everyone be happy all the time so instead of taking the time to feel those emotions we instead have to stop them from coming out. 

Sure, sometimes people need to stop their emotions for a while so they can deal with life. But no one tells you on the other end it's going to be 10x more intense because now it's weeks, months or years of backed up emotions. 

Of course, it's a choice everyone must make for themselves but this is a truth that has really hit me hard lately that I wanted to share. 

If this calls your name, let’s chat. Schedule a free discovery call here! Let’s get to know each other, I can’t wait to see you thrive!


Women DESERVE to have it all and ENJOY it too.


Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself